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Title Faculty Position at Graduate Institute of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, NTU
TIME2024/2/22 上午 09:21:18
Content Graduate Institute of Veterinary Clinical Science of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the National Taiwan University (NTU) has one open faculty positions in large animal medicine, starting on February 1, 2025. Applicants must have related clinical training or clinical experience. Background in large animal clinical fields is required. Higher priority is given to those who have expertise in ruminant medicine, large animal surgery, bovine medicine or farm animal health management.
The candidate must provide a published paper in an SCI-listed journal, with the candidate listed as the first or corresponding author, published after February 1, 2020, as the representative publication. The candidate will be expected to teach ruminant medicine, large animal medicine and related clinical services include clinical service of ruminant diseases in Disease Diagnostic Center Yun-Lin Division. The position will be at the assistant to full professor level, based on the candidate’s qualifications.
To apply, candidates should send a curriculum vita, photocopies of their ID or passport, degree diploma, and three letters of recommendation to huijenn@ntu.edu.tw and ntuvmnewsletter@gmail.com. The application should also include the representative publication, verification of co-authors’ contributions, additional publications from the past 7 years (since February 1, 2018), a publication list, and the title and the outline of courses to be offered. The deadline for application is July 10, 2024. Inquiries should be directed to Miss Chen at huijenn@ntu.edu.tw or by phone at 886-2-33663762 or fax at 886-2-23661475. The position will be subjected to the promotion regulations set by the College of Bioresources and Agriculture at NTU. The NTU School of Veterinary Medicine website can be accessed at http://www.vm.ntu.edu.tw/.
National Taiwan University is a top-ranked university in Taiwan with an excellent academic atmosphere. The school, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, and School of Veterinary Medicine provide funding for new faculties to set up their laboratory and office space comfortably. The College of Veterinary Medicine includes the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of Molecular and Comparative Pathobiology, and the Institute of Veterinary Clinical Science, providing many different research cooperation opportunities. It is a friendly and high-quality work environment for research and teaching.
ReaderFaculty/Staff, Student, Alumni, Others

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