| Non-tenuretrack Faculty Position – Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University
Office | College of Science--Department of Chemistry |
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The Department of Chemistry at National Taiwan University is hiring a non-tenure-track faculty at the Lecturer or Assistant Professor rank; a strong application at higher ranks will also be considered. Diversity is essential to our university and we hope the candidate fosters a welcoming environment that attracts students. Candidates who are passionate about developing new teaching methods, emphasizing student-centered learning methods, and integrating chemistry-related contents for students from different backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply. This position has the following primary responsibilities: 1. Teaching Organic Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry and the corresponding Laboratory courses to non-majors. 2. Supervise and coordinate the teaching group of Organic Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry, including TA training and Lab preparation. 3. Devising laboratory course improvement plans for Organic Chemistry or Analytical Chemistry.
Applicants must hold a M.S. degree (Lecturer rank) or Ph.D. degree (Assistant Professor rank) in chemistry or related fields. Proficiency in both Chinese and English is required. Those who have experience in chemistry related teaching and guidance are preferred. Applicants are welcome to include documents that support his/her dedication to education, such as certificate for secondary-school teacher training, educational grant applications.
Interested parties should send the following files to Chia-Hui Chien (chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw) by E-mail before February 20, 2023, with the subject line indicating the application for a non-tenuretrack faculty positions in the Department of Chemistry. 1. Three letters of recommendation, one of which must be written by dissertation advisor. 2. Personal resume (CV). 3. Teaching philosophy and plan. 4. References about your teaching, such as awards, workshop, evaluation, feedback from students, etc..
Website: http://www.ch.ntu.edu.tw/en/Default.html
Contacts: Prof. Jye-Shane Yang, Department of Chemistry, 886-2-33661649, jsyang@ntu.edu.tw Ms. Chia-Hui Chien, Office of Department of Chemistry, 886-2-33661148, chiahui0@ntu.edu.tw |
Attach Files | File size | AD | 173984 Bytes |