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Title International Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development (IPCS) Non-tenure Track Teaching Faculty Position
OfficeCollege of Science--International Doctoral Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development
TIME2025/1/14 下午 04:29:03
Content The IPCS seeks one teaching faculty member (open rank, Assistant Professor or more senior), beginning on August 1, 2025. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development or closely related fields, with the capability to teach courses in English.

1. Teaching requirements:
Teach interdisciplinary courses related to climate change and sustainable development, such as courses on climate change reports and policies, application and analysis of climate and environmental data, etc.

2. The application deadline is February 14, 2025. Applicants are requested to submit their application online through Academic Jobs Online (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/program/29526) by including:
A. Cover Letter
B. Curriculum vitae (including publications list and research synopsis)
C. Teaching plan (including teaching philosophy, teaching experience, and outlines of the courses planned to offer)
D. Copy of doctoral diploma and certificate of employment (including current and past positions)
E. Contact information of three referees, including name, title, affiliation, and official email address.
IPCS is an interdisciplinary graduate program that encompasses a global perspective. The medium of instruction is English. It currently consists of 36 faculty members from 16 departments across 7 colleges at National Taiwan University, the top national research university in Taiwan. Inquiries can be addressed to Professor Min-Hui Lo (minhuilo@ntu.edu.tw), Chair of IPCS. For more information regarding the program, please visit IPCS website and NTU Quick Info for New Faculty.

Applicants who pass the initial review process will be contacted for an interview by email.
Related websitehttps://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/program/29526
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