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Title Faculty Position Opening(s) in the Department of Chemical Engineering, NTU (Application Deadline:February 4, 2025)
OfficeCollege of Engineering--Department of Chemical Engineering
TIME2025/1/9 下午 06:14:44
Content The Department of Chemical Engineering at National Taiwan University invites applications for faculty positions at the full, associate or assistant professor levels with an anticipated starting date of August 1, 2025.

Candidates must have earned a doctorate degree in chemical engineering or a closely related field. Research areas of interest may include, but are not limited to, Colloidal Particles and Transport Phenomena, Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering, Thermodynamics, Sustainability and Energy Engineering.

Interested individuals please email the following materials to the Department Chair, Ying-Chih Liao (E-mail address: liaoy@ntu.edu.tw), by February 4, 2025.
1) letter of application
2) curriculum vitae with a publication list and the contact information of three references (including email addresses)
3) brief summary information (please use the following template)
4) Any other supporting materials

Department of Chemical Engineering
National Taiwan University
TEL: 886-2-23635230
FAX: 886-2-23623040
Webpage: https://www.che.ntu.edu.tw/che/?lang=en

Updated Jan. 9, 2025
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