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公告主旨 Attention Students of NTU! (Volunteer Opportunities)
公告單位 學生事務處--學生職業生涯發展中心
公告時間 2013/12/12 下午 12:08:28
公告內容 One Heart Source is currently accepting applications for our 2014 Volunteer Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2014, we are offering a variety of 1, 2 and 4-week programs in Zanizbar, Tanzania and Cape Town, South Africa!

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and
our next deadline is JANUARY 10th, 2014!
Our application can be completed online via our website.

As an OHS Volunteer, you will:
* Integrate yourself into and work closely with members of the local community to create positive social uplift
* Teach primary school students through a mentorship program focused on building strong Math and English foundations, while empowering students
* Exchange ideas and culture with people from around the world
* Lead after-school programs in non-traditional subjects like dance, debate, art, and sports
* Work with a small, dynamic team of international university and graduate students
* Develop yourself intellectually through leadership, service, and dialogue

We at One Heart Source believe in creating lasting social change through education and human connection. We encourage you to take a step towards providing a more socially just future for some of the most marginalized communities in the world.

Both Graduate and Undergraduate students are encouraged to
For more information and to apply visit: www.oneheartsource.org/volunteer

Please contact asia.region@oneheartsource.org with any questions!
相關網址 http://www.oneheartsource.org/volunteer
電子郵件 asia.region@oneheartsource.org
公告對象 學生、其他
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
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