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公告主旨 BEL Faculty Taiwan Global Leaders Scholarship
公告單位 學生事務處--學生職業生涯發展中心
公告時間 2013/10/29 下午 02:25:44
公告內容 The Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL Faculty) at The University of Queensland (UQ) announce a dedicated BEL Faculty Taiwan Global Leaders Scholarship for Taiwanese students seeking to apply for any postgraduate programs in business, economics, law or tourism (excluding the MBA) at UQ. The UQ Taiwan Global Leaders Scholarship awardee will receive a AUD$5,000 tuition fee waiver for their postgraduate (eg. Masters) program with guaranteed professional experience to support career development, including an internship, mentoring and industry engagement.

The University of Queensland is the top 100 university in the world (ranked 43 in the world by the 2013 QS World University Rankings, 63 in the world by UK’s 2013-14 Times Higher Education Supplement and 85 worldwide in the 2013 Academic Ranking of World Universities).

The UQ BEL Faculty comprises 4 schools namely Business School, School of Economics, TC Beirne School of Law and School of Tourism. Our Business School is the 1st Business School in Australia to earn both EQUIS and AACSB accreditation. Our Economics ranked 42nd in the world by RePEc in March 2013. TC Beirne School of Law ranked in the top 50 law schools in the Social Sciences category of the 2013 QS World University Rankings survey. Our School of Tourism is the oldest tourism school in Australia, the only university school in Australia with United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) accreditation and the only tourism school in the Group of Eight (Go8), an elite group of Australian research intensive universities that comprises 70% of the Australian research funding for the universities.

Our BEL Faculty also has a dedicated Careers & Recruitment Centre (http://careerservices.business.uq.edu.au/) to help our students or alumni to find opportunities and manage their career. The professional experience guaranteed by the Scholarship is strongly supported by our professional careers team.
相關網址 http://bel.uq.edu.au/bel-taiwan-scholarships
公告對象 學生、校友、其他
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
建議最佳螢幕解析度 1024*768