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公告主旨 2024美光全球女性導師計畫報名
公告單位 學生事務處--學生職業生涯發展中心
公告時間 2024/2/22 上午 11:28:54
公告內容 美光全球女性導師計畫 (Micron Global Womens Mentorship Program )正式啟動,提供機會給全球各地的女學生,讓他們了解專業領域、獲得新技能、發掘自己的聲音,以及展開成功的職涯。
報名即日開跑!立刻手刀報名: https://forms.office.com/r/tWNuPtfCu0

今年四到五月,台灣美光將招募 50 位有志進入科技產業的大學或碩士女同學,加入一年一度的全球女性導師計畫,


▍What is the Global Mentorship Program?

At Micron, we are committed to lifting up our Female STEM students and giving them the tools they need to succeed. As a part of our commitment to gender diversity and inclusion, Micron is launching its Global Mentorship Program focused on giving female students all over the world an opportunity to learn about professional world, acquire new skills, find your voice, and launch a successful career. 300 female students from different countries will be selected for this unique opportunity.

▍Who can apply for the program?

The program is open to all female students from pre-universities or are pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in the STEM(Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) or related field

▍What can you expect from the program ?

The program will run in April- May 2024 without any cost charge

Participants will be selected by the Micron team based on applicants’ background and introduction

All participants will be broken in teams of 2-3 students and will be assigned a Micron Mentor , each team will have weekly 1-hour long Zoom calls with Micron Mentors

There will be couple virtual on-line events with fruitful insights sharing included global opening & closing

Topics discussed during each session will vary depending on the participants’ feedback but are likely to include career development , secrets to professional success , experience sharing on handling difficulties ......etc.

Apply Now: https://forms.office.com/r/tWNuPtfCu0
相關網址 https://forms.office.com/r/tWNuPtfCu0
公告對象 學生
附件名稱  檔案大小 
DM  798218 Bytes
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
建議最佳螢幕解析度 1024*768