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公告主旨 【實習】大昌華嘉Business Development Intern一年期實習計畫 (Technology Business Unit)
公告單位 管理學院--生涯發展服務中心
公告時間 2021/1/26 下午 02:55:26
公告內容 大昌華嘉是專注於亞洲地區的市場拓展服務業的領導者。正如「市場拓展服務」一詞所表明的,我們致力於協助其他公司和品牌在新市場或既有市場擴大業務。2012年在瑞士證交所公開發行上市,大昌華嘉是一間總部位於瑞士蘇黎世的全球性企業,在全球36個國家設有850個營運據點,其中830個在亞洲,擁有超過33,000名專業人員,服務超過1,900家原廠和品牌客戶及525,000家顧客,2019年的銷售淨額為116億瑞士法郎。我們提供客製化的綜合性服務組合,範圍包括採購、行銷、銷售、電子商務、分銷、物流和售後服務,並且以特有的廣度和深度組成的業務網絡為合作夥伴提供專業知識和在地物流服務,業務橫跨四大專業領域:消費品、醫療保健、特用原料和科技事業。

Job Scope and Responsibilities:
As part of the BD team at DKSH, you have the opportunity to enjoy a world of learning and development and be the change you wish to see in the world. Your core responsibilities include:
- Market Research
Conduct market research including industry trend analysis, company info research & competitor analysis
- Project Support
Assist strategy development and the execution of related projects, such as IT implementation, client management, pricing model and business process automation
- Marketing Project Execution
Develop and collaborate with colleagues to execute online & offline marketing projects such as brochure design, web design, digital content generation
- Strategic Business Analysis
Develop analytical & quantitative framework/models to assess the feasibility of new opportunities, analyze financial & operational performance

Period: from July, 2021 to June, 2022
Work Schedule: at least 2 days a week, 8 hours a day

1. Strong problem-solving capability
2. Motivated and responsible with good team spirit
3. Highly interested in technology and business development
4. Fluent in both Chinese and English
5. Comprehensive computer skills including PowerPoint, Excel, and online research

*聯絡人資訊:人力資源部/卓先生 02-8752-7337
聯 絡 人 CARDO 
聯絡電話 02-3661800
電子郵件 ntucardo@ntu.edu.tw
公告對象 學生
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
建議最佳螢幕解析度 1024*768