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公告主旨 12/9基蛋所月會演講—陳耀昌老師 主講:Taiwanese/Formosan Han: A Concept from History, Illness and Gene Studies
公告單位 醫學院--基因體暨蛋白體醫學研究所
公告時間 2019/11/18 上午 09:38:44
公告內容 臺大基蛋所Medical Genetics & Genomics Monthly Seminar演講邀請

[講題]:Taiwanese/Formosan Han: A Concept from History, Illness and Gene Studies
[講者]:臺大醫學院 陳耀昌 名譽教授
(CV: https://reurl.cc/Rd92xe)
[時間]:12/9 (星期一) 上午 11:20-12:10
We define “Formosan/Taiwanese Han” as the people with paternal ancestor of Han Chinese and maternal ancestors of Taiwan indigenous females. From the viewpoint of anthropology, Taiwanese/Formosan Hans are thus differentiated from both of Southern Hans and Northern Hans with possession of Austronesian biomarkers.

We find that there are biomarkers or customs can be implied to trace back the ancestors of these Taiwanese/Formosan Hans.
(1)Those who have a Helicobacteria pyroli of Maori’s subtype are the descendants of Austronesians.
(2)Those who have nasopharyngeal cancer or HLA haplotype A33-B58-DRB03-DQB1 indicates that they are offsprings of “Yueh”.
(3)Those who have ankylosing spondylitis or HLA-B2705 indicates that they have an ancestor from northern or eastern Europe.
(4)Those who carry thalassemia gene have ancestors from Tai-Kradai peoples resided at the highland area of Indo-China peninsula.
(5)Those who are carriers of HTLV-I virus might have a Japanese ancestor from 九州 (Kyushu).
(6)Those whose family still keep the Islam funeral ceremony indicates they have Arabian ancestors.

A Formosan/Taiwanese Han may simultaneously own multiple forementioned biomarkers, because their ancestors might immigrate to Formosa/Taiwan in different eras and from different regions of the world.


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臺大基蛋所 陳沛隆所長 與 臺大醫院基因醫學部李建南主任 敬邀
活動時間 2019/12/9 到 2019/12/9
活動地點 台大醫學院202講堂
聯 絡 人 蕭小姐
聯絡電話 02-23123456#88653
電子郵件 sshsiao@ntu.edu.tw
公告對象 其他
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
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