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公告主旨 [演講] 5/13潘俊良教授 演講:Memory Study in a Small Brain
公告單位 醫學院--基因體暨蛋白體醫學研究所
公告時間 2024/5/3 下午 01:47:17
公告內容 臺大基蛋所Medical Genetics & Genomics Monthly Seminar演講邀請

[講題]:Memory Study in a Small Brain

[講者]:潘俊良 教授兼所長(臺大分醫所)


[時間]:2024/5/13 (星期一) 上午 11:20-12:10

[Hybrid Meeting]:

*地點: 醫學院基醫大樓202講堂

*Webex: https://ntumc.webex.com/ntumc-tc/j.php?MTID=mfc0b3d38a7939fd5b93c2794ea909437


Aversive memory is an important survival strategy, allowing the animals to avoid potential hazards and increases their chance of survival. The nervous system associates cellular stress with external cues to form aversive associative memory, which drives avoidance behavior to minimize exposure to those sensory cues. Important unanswered questions include genes and neural circuits that encode or express aversive memory, as well as peripheral signals that instruct memory formation in the brain. We recently established an invertebrate model of mitochondrial stress-induced aversive memory, using the genetically tractable roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. In this talk, I discuss our strategy to identify critical genes and neuromodulators that trigger memory formation, mapped the memory circuits, and uncover peripheral signals that link tissue stress to aversive memory.



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臺大基蛋所 陳沛隆所長 與 臺大醫院基因醫學部 簡穎秀主任 敬邀
活動費用 免費
活動時間 2024/5/13 到 2024/5/13
活動地點 醫學院基醫大樓202講堂
公告對象 教職員、學生、校友、其他
附件名稱  檔案大小 
演講海報  371255 Bytes
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
建議最佳螢幕解析度 1024*768