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公告單位 雙語教育中心
公告時間 2024/5/2 下午 04:05:22
公告內容 演講主題:E.M.I: More like E.M.Why bother?


English as a medium of instruction is often discussed in narrow terms. Educators and students typically debate the (non-)merits of EMI with a shallow focus on what happens inside the classroom where speaking English supposedly hampers todays learning outcomes. A frequently voiced complaint against EMI is that in todays lecture halls, students lack the spoken English language skills for an effective transfer of knowledge.

But what if we shift this narrow focus on the impossibilities of speaking English in todays classrooms to a broad scope on the full range of possibilities of English language skills for teaching the students of tomorrow?

In this talk, I explore how such a shift in perspective considers EMI as offering possibilities along a set of concentric circles radiating outward from todays classroom to the skills needed by tomorrows graduates, the future of our higher education system, and the continued survival and prosperity of Taiwan as a nation.

講者:國立台北大學國際事務長 韋岱思 副教授
時間:5/10 12:30-2:00
地點: 台大社會社工系館319
主辦單位: 國立台灣大學社科院與雙語教育中心
Organizer: College of Social Science and Center for Bilingual Education, NTU
敬備便當 boxed lunch will be provided
活動費用 免費
活動時間 2024/5/10 到 2024/5/10
活動地點 社會及社工館社工系館319室
相關網址 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfTKzhgkRipa22tfATFRQ6MFoBZz2wwZKxlMc_pNgtTcrfkHw/viewform
聯 絡 人 彭怡然
聯絡電話 02-33667970
公告對象 教職員、學生、其他
附件名稱  檔案大小 
海報  3077921 Bytes
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
建議最佳螢幕解析度 1024*768