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公告主旨 NTU Library F.I.R.S.T. Workshop-Help you stay ahead of business trends: ABI/INFORM Collection
公告單位 圖書館--學科服務組
公告時間 2024/4/12 上午 08:45:26
公告內容 2024/4/26(Fri.)14:20-15:20
Help you stay ahead of business trends: ABI/INFORM Collection

The ABI/INFORM Collection, hosted on the ProQuest platform, is a collection of databases offering access to thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, and key business and economics periodicals like The Economist and Sloan Management Review. It also includes country- and industry-focused reports. Additionally, it collects global news from sources like the Wall Street Journal. In this session, well explore effective searches for company profiles, market reports, economic statistics, and various research materials with the ABI/INFORM Collection.


(Webex meeting room will be available after 2024/4/26 14:10)
SDG04 教育品質
活動費用 免費
活動時間 2024/4/25 到 2024/4/25
活動地點 Webex
相關網址 https://forms.gle/M2HhMJpKBAQ7MwS58
聯 絡 人 范蔚敏
聯絡電話 02-33662370
電子郵件 wmfan@ntu.edu.tw
公告對象 教職員、學生、校友、其他
版權所有 國立台灣大學 計算機及資訊網路中心
10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
建議最佳螢幕解析度 1024*768